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The Interaction Design Foundation

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Easy learning, unlimited courses, and a fun, structured online platform: The Interaction Design Foundation

When you’re trying to learn additional design skills to enhance your design career, look no further than the IxDF. The platform’s so easy to use, and when you’re a busy design professional, finding a course you can do on your own time that’s actually easy to use (and fun) is more important than you think.

Online Education is complicated and time-consuming

When learning, we’ve all experienced the poorly designed learning inherent at academic institutions. Textbooks are outdated — made for a different era, by people of a different age. Online video courses are often designed purely to sell you more online courses. They give you just enough to feel like you’re learning, without giving you actual depth of focus and helping you retain information long-term. And worse, courses often are set during specific times of year, which means with a busy work-life balance already, you have to also somehow find 25 hours in a day.

Learning should fit around your life, not the other way around. Sure, you could just watch videos on SkillShare or YouTube. That’s fine for surface-level learning, but after the video ends you tend to move on very quickly. Your mind leans towards the next video, and you just get caught in a perpetual cycle of binge-learning, without actually absorbing the information.

IxDF is a better way

With The Interaction Design Foundation, the lessons are broken up into text and video lessons, which helps your brain learn in different ways. It includes a mix of relevant questions (some multiple choice, some essay-based), which are always related to the section of the course you’re currently on.

Best of all, you know those £995 courses you pay for, then they leave you high and dry when the course is over? Yeah, that doesn’t happen here. At the IxDF you pay A FRACTION of that cost annually for a membership, and you don’t have to pay another penny for extra courses. Currently their membership is £108 per year (What!!!!) and you take as many new courses as you like, whenever you like, all included in your membership!

Learn UX Design from industry-leaders at the IxDF, and get 3 months for free!

Taught by industry professionals and thought-leaders

One of the biggest problems with University is that the teachers are well-meaning, but haven’t spent any time in the real world actually applying the things they teach. They’ve got amazing knowledge but it’s all academic, all theoretical.

That’s not the case at the IxDF. The teachers are industry professionals who are either teaching their knowledge as a sideline to their distinguished design careers, or have transitioned into teaching full time with a wealth of actual industry experience to back up their knowledge. They know their stuff, and how it applies in the real world.

Time-saving, learner-friendly learning

The IxDF is a superb learning platform that you can pick up and put down at your own pace. When you get only a few hours each week to dedicate to learning (because the rest of your time is spent working), your time is precious. And you don’t have to go to night school and burn yourself out to enhance your design education. You can do it all in your own time with the IxDF.

Benefits all around

The information at The Interaction Design Foundation isn’t just for my benefit, either. I’m bringing the knowledge I learn to my company, teaching on to others, and my whole team is improving their design skills and future career prospects because of the IxDF. With minimal financial commitment for the company, this is a hue incentive to learn.

Summary and a free gift

Overall, IxDF is an incredible place to learn, with a thriving and very active community of like-minded learners and design professionals. I highly recommend you join, by signing up below!

Get 3 months of industry-leading design education FOR FREE at the IxDF
Learn UX Design from industry professionals at the IxDF, and get 3 months for free!