Web Design & Development

Drift Designs

My Role
Web Designer
Brand Designer
Apr 2021

Helping a local artist sell handmade gift cards

Ruth came to me with a simple aim: To create beautiful artwork out of the things that inspire her most, and share them with the world. When COVID happened, Ruth decided that rather than put her artwork up in some stuffy art gallery, she could spread handmade joy and happiness digitally, in the form of greetings cards.

Her logic? Now more than ever people need to tell their loved ones they're thinking of them, and she wanted to help with that (whilst also making a few pennies for her trouble). Each card is carefully crafted, and while she makes very little per order, she does it so her art can make other people smile.

I created a beautifully minimalist, simple and clean eCommerce site that lets the artwork speak for itself.

It does exactly what Ruth needs:

  • Allows Ruth to upload new cards, and change each detail individually
  • Lets people buy her cards through VISA or PayPal
  • And that's it!

Want to see the live site? Take a look:
